Getting started
The Standards area provides the ability to view all standards uploaded under the Accreditation Body and the ability to and new standards from the standards library. All standards must be added to a scheme. If a scheme is not included in the scheme library, you can add a new standard to the library.
When creating Schemes and Standards, it is critical that they reflect the exact wording that is issued to your certification Bodies. IAF CertSearch relies on the scheme and standards information to match the certifications uploaded by accredited certifications bodies match the standards that the Accreditation Bodies have assigned to them. We also match the scheme and standard names against the IAF MLA standards the Accreditation body is a signatory to which enables IAF CertSearch the ability to determine which certificates are IAF MLA certificates.
How it works
When viewing the Standards area, select Standards on the left-hand navigation of your dashboard. A list of all ALL standards added to your account will be displayed in a list. This will include
When viewing the list of standards, you can filter by status, search by standard name assist with sorting.
In the standards list display, the following fields will be displayed:
Scheme Name
Scope Type
Standard Name
First Issued at
Issued at
Expiry at
View and individual standard
To view individual standard details click the “View” button. In the view format, you can see the details of the standard and edit the fields and manage the status.
IAF standards
IAF standards are the standards that are IAF MLA standards. The standards are identified by the Accreditation body when adding standards and are also validated by the IAF.
Add standards
To add a standard to the Accreditation Body list of Accredited standards, select the “Add Standard” button. When adding a standard, select from the Scheme list and Standard list. To add a standard, both the correct standard and the correct scheme must be in the lists provided. If your exact Schemes are not in the list, then you will need to “Add a scheme to the scheme library”. Once you have added the scheme to the library, go back to “Add Standard” and it will appear in the scheme list. If your exact standard is not in the Standard list, then you will have to “Add a standard to the standard library” Once you have added the standard to the standard library, go back to “Add Standard” and it will appear in the standard list.
Add standard to library
When you can’t find the exact standard in the standard list, you will need to add the standard to the library. When you add a standard, enter the following fields and click save:
Standard Code
Standard Revision
Standard Description
Standard Status
Accredited by IAF
First Issued at
Issued at
Expiry at
Explanations on formats for each field are detailed in the Field Name Glossary under User Guides:
Once you have saved the standard it will now appear in the standard list and can be assigned to
Add scheme to library
When you can’t find your exact scheme in the scheme list, you will need to add the scheme to the library. When you add a scheme, enter the “Scheme Name” and the “Scheme Type” and click save. The scheme will now appear in the scheme list.
Ensure the correct scheme is included in the scheme library
Ensure the correct standard is included in the standards library
Go to Standards
Go to Add Standard
Complete standard form
If Scheme is not included in the list, close form, select “add scheme to library”
If Standard is not included in the list, close form, select “add standard to library”
Once Standards are saved they can be assigned to Certification Bodies, allowing Certification Bodies to upload certificates to that standard.
For multiple standard entry upload
Go to “Data management”
Select “File Upload”, “FTP” or “API”. For how-to guides see user guides for each process
Last updated