🆕Edit Certified Entity Sites

To edit a Certified Entity Site:

  1. In the Certified Entities Listing Page, select the Certified Entity name you want to view

  2. On the Certified Entity Detail Page, click on the "Sites" Tab

  3. Under the Actions Column, Click the “Edit” button

  4. Change the values of the fields you want to update:

  • Country / Economy (Required)

  • You have two options for the Address Field (Optional)

    • For Specified Address:

      • Bldg. No. / Floor No. / Street (Optional)

      • City (Required)

      • State (Optional)

      • Postcode / Zipcode (Optional)

  • For Address Line

    • Full Address (Required)

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Change request #64: release.1.0.0 (Certs v.2.0)