IAF CertSearch Release - February 20, 2024

Release Highlights

Certification Template version 1.1

What changed for AB

What changed for CB

What changed for MNCB

Certification template version 1.1

Release of version 1.1 of the Certification Template which includes:

  • Add Company Identifiers such as TAX ID, Company ID, and Business Registration Number are added to enrich the integrity of the Entity data.

Field NamesOptional/RequiredDescription



Tax ID number of the Entity

Company ID Number


Company ID Number of the Entity

Business Registration Number


Business Registration Number of the Entity

Changes by Account Type

Accreditation Body

Added Company Identifiers (Tax ID, Company ID Number, Business Registration Number) fields on the templates

Added Company Identifiers fields on the Certified Entity details page.

Added Company Identifiers fields on the Certified Entity form.

Certification Body

Added Company Identifiers (Tax ID, Company ID Number, Business Registration Number) fields on the templates

Added Company Identifiers fields on the Certified Entity details page.

Added Company Identifiers fields on the Certified Entity form.

Multination Certification Body

Added Company Identifiers (Tax ID, Company ID Number, Business Registration Number) fields on the templates

Added Company Identifiers fields on the Certified Entity details page.

If you have any questions or need assistance please get in touch with info@iafcertsearch.org.

Last updated