Multinational Certification Body

MNCB Account

We enhanced your capabilities of keeping on track with the Certification Body records you have, along with the accreditation scopes assigned. As part of the enrichment of data architecture, you now have a thorough capability to check the sectors assigned in a standard, as well as the key location where it can be issued from, and the economy where it can be issued.

Part of these enhancements is assigning industry sectors to standards and schemes to define distinct areas of fields that accreditation may cover. The changes also include listing the key locations authorized to issue accreditation and the economies where the organization can accredit.



View a certification body's public contact details

Go to Certification Bodies > select the certification body you want to check > View.



Assign standard

Go to Certification Bodies > select Certification Body > navigate Standards and Schemes tab > + Assign Standards and Schemes > fill out the accreditation information > Submit.



View sectors

Go to Certification Bodies > select Certification Body > navigate to Technical Sectors tab.

View key locations

Go to Certification Bodies > select Certification Body > navigate to Key Locations tab.

Add key location

Go to Certification Bodies > select Certification Body > navigate to Key Locations tab > + Add Key Locations > fill out the key locations information > Submit.

View economies

Go to Certification Bodies > select Certification Body > navigate to Country / Economy tab.


View standards

Go to a Standard and Scheme.

View sectors

Go to a Standard and Scheme > navigate to Technical Sectors tab.

View key location

Go to a Standard and Scheme > navigate to Key Locations tab.

View economies

Go to a Standard and Scheme > navigate to Country/Economy tab.

If you need assistance, please contact

Last updated