IAF CertSearch Release - August 19, 2024

Release Highlights

Changes to the Certification Template apply to Accreditation Bodies, Certification Bodies, and Multination Certification Bodies.

Certification Template Updates

  • Release Version 2.1 of the Certification Template includes:

    • New fields for Technical Sectors, where a sector can be defined and managed at a certification level.

    Field NameRequired/OptionalDescription

    Certification Identity Number

    A Certification Identity Number (CIN) is essential for linking a certificate to its respective certification sector. Without a CIN, the system cannot assign the certificate to the appropriate sector.

    Sector Name


    Represents a specific industry or area of economic activity. example: Agriculture, forestry and fishing

    Sector Code


    Numerical or alphanumerical code assigned to a sector for identification and classification purposes. example: 1

Excel Template

If you are using an Excel file to upload your certification data, please read the latest update below:

  • New sheet tab: Certification Sector

XML Template

If you are using an XML file to upload your certification data, please read the latest update below:

Note: The technical sector fields are optional



If you are using API to upload your certification data, please see below:

Download the latest certificate template version:

Rule: Handling sectors' data

The system provides a list of acceptable sectors that can be processed. View the list here: IAF CertSearch Sectors If you use a sector not included in the IAF CertSearch Sectors, you will need to perform data mapping.

Review and download updated templates by account type:

Last updated