Bulk Upload Certification

Bulk Upload Certification

POST https://api.iafcertsearch.org/api/client/v1/mncb/bulk-upload-cert

Fields that are marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

The symbol ([*]) is used to indicate that a particular field is part of an array of certification objects.

The maximum number of Certification records you can upload at a time is 100.


Request Body

  "data": {
    "success": true

Bulk Upload Certification

We recommend to have an interval of 10 minutes in between API requests to avoid errors during certification data publication.

To view the response data example, click the right arrow at the right side of the response description.

You can also use https://api.sandbox.iafcertsearch.org/api/client/v1/mncb/bulk-upload-cert to test it on the Sandbox server.

Take a look at how you might call this method:

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.iafcertsearch.org/api/client/v1/mncb/bulk-upload-cert' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-http-authorization: <<API_KEY>>' \
--data-raw '{
    "certifications": [
            "certificate_number": "string",
            "certificate_identity_number": "string",
            "certification_status": "string",
            "certificate_accreditation_status": "string",
            "certification_type": "string",
            "certification_scope": "string",
            "certification_original_issue_date": "string",
            "certification_issue_date": "string",
            "certification_expiry_date": "string",
            "certified_entity_name": "string",
            "certified_entity_english_name": "string",
            "certified_entity_trading_name": "string",
            "certified_entity_unique_id": "string",
            "certified_entity_street_address": "string",
            "certified_entity_street_city": "string",
            "certified_entity_state": "string",
            "certified_entity_post_code": "string",
            "certified_entity_country": "string",
            "certified_entity_website": "string",
            "accreditation_body_name": "string",
            "accreditation_body_acronym_name": "string",
            "certification_body_name": "string",
            "certification_body_acronym_name": "string",
            "confidential_certified_entity": "string",
            "tax_id": "string",
            "business_registration_number": "string",
            "company_id_number": "string",
            "schemes": [
                    "scheme_name": "string",
                    "standard_list": [
                            "standards_name": "string"
            "sites": [
                    "street": "string",
                    "city": "string",
                    "state": "string",
                    "country": "string",
                    "postcode": "string",
                    "scope_description": "string"

Last updated