Certification Bodies

The Certification Body area lets you view all your Certification Bodies associated with your MNCB account.

Before having VIEW access to the Certification Bodies, please ensure the following:


  • The Certification Body should be added to the IAF CertSearch database, to ensure that the Certification Body is within the database go to: https://www.iafcertsearch.org/search/certification-bodies

  • Association to the Certification Body should be valid

  • If the Certification Bodies are not listed, please contact the Accreditation Body that accredited the Certification Body.

To associate the Certification Bodies to your MNCB account:

  1. Send a request to the IAF CertSearch Support Team via support@iafcertsearch.org, requesting to associate a Certification Body to your MNCB account.

  2. The IAF CertSearch Support Team reviews and further assesses the validity of the request, once valid the Certification Bodies will then be associated with your account.

Any concerns about the Certification Body information, please contact the AB who accredited the CB or connect directly to the CBs.

View Certification Bodies

Once the CB is added you'll now have access to view the Certification Bodies displayed in a summary list, where you can view the following data fields:

View Certification Body detail page

To view the CB detail page, click the CB name or the 'View' button under the actions column.

Within the Certification Body detail page, you'll have access to the following information:

Last updated