Resolve Field Mapping Issues

The Field Mapping issue may appear during the initial data validation process, which always takes place after selecting the files you want to upload (Step 2 of data import).

To Resolve Field Mapping Issues

  1. Click the 'Field Mapping' from the validation navigation within the data import process:

  2. Once clicked, a list of all the fields that are unrecognized by the system is listed in the main content area.

3. In the field mapping list, you're provided with the error details such as:

Displaying the Sheet Name is only applicable to Excel files.

Under the Target column, search or select the Field Name you want to map your source field to.

  1. Once selected, click the 'Apply Field Mapping' button to ensure that the mapped fields are submitted.

  2. Once done, the system will continue validating your data. To learn more about the Data Validation Process, click here.

  3. If all data is valid, your data will be successfully imported.

To learn more about Field Mapping, read the related articles below:

Last updated