Manage CB Details

This page provides the ability to view and manage the Certification Body details. Here, you can view and edit the following information:

  • Certification Body Logo

  • Certification Body Economy

  • Certification Body Information

  • Certification Body Name

  • Certification Body Acronym

  • Certification Body Website

  • Certification Body Description

To edit the Certification Logo:

  1. Click 'Certification Bodies' from the left-hand navigation

  2. Search for the CB you want to edit

  3. Click the CB name or click the 'view' button under the actions column

  4. You'll be redirected to the CB Detail Page

  5. Scroll to the Certification Body Logo section then click the logo placeholder

  6. Click the 'Choose File' button to upload the logo

  1. In the modal, select the image you want to use as a logo

  2. Once selected, click the 'Save Changes' button

  3. Once submitted, the logo will be added to the CB profile.

Edit Certification Body Information

  1. Click 'Certification Bodies' from the left-hand navigation

  2. Search for the CB you want to edit

  3. Click the CB name or click the 'view' button under the actions column

  4. You'll be redirected to the CB Detail Page

The Certification Body Activation Status should be "Inactive" before you can proceed.

  1. In the Certification Body Information section, click the "Edit" button

  2. Input the updated data you want to change

  3. Once done, click the 'Save Changes' button

Edit Certification Body Information

Withdraw Certification Body

Suspend Certification Body

Manage CB's Accredited Standards

Manage CB's Technical Sectors

Manage CB's Office Directories

Manage CB's Country/Economy

Invite the Certification Body to activate IAF CertSearch account

To learn more about the Certification Body, click here

Want to import bulk data? Try Data Import

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