
The Certifications provide access to the certificates uploaded by your organization, which they have issued to the Certified Entities. The certification data is collected and imported through Manual Data Entry, File Upload, FTP or API.

In this section, you'll have the ability to manually manage the certification data.

Note: Adding Certification data requires Certified Entity Information.

View Certificates

To view the list of certificates, click 'Certifications' from the left pane navigation.

This page includes the following information:

To learn more about the Certification data fields, click here.

This section also provides the ability to view and manage individual Certificate information.

Managing Individual Certification Data

Add Certificate

Add Multiple Standard

Add Additional Site

Edit Certificate

Edit Additional Site

Delete Certificate

Delete Additional Site

Managing Certified Entity data through Data Import

Before importing data through Data Import, ensure to learn about the IAF CertSearch Data Format and Structure, such as Certificate File Format, Certificate Template, Manage Data in Excel, and Manage Data in XML.

Data Import Methods

File Upload



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