Manage CB Technical Sectors

The Technical Sectors page provides the ability to manage the locations of the CB that you have accredited.

There are 2 areas where you can view the list of Technical Sectors that have been accredited to the CB.

  1. CB Detail Page / Standards and Schemes / Technical Sectors

    • See the list of Technical Sectors that have been accredited with a specific Standard and Scheme

    • Assign, edit, and delete technical sectors from the accredited Standard

  2. CB Detail Page / Technical Sectors

    • See the list of all the Technical Sectors that have been assigned to the CB from all of their accredited Standards and Schemes.

    • READ-ONLY, if you want to manage the Technical Sectors go to its respective accredited Standards.

View Technical Sectors

To view all the Technical Sectors that have been assigned to the CB:

  1. Go to the CB Detail Page.

  2. Click the Technical Sectors tab

Here you can see the following:

  • Sector Code

  • Sector Name

  • Standards and Schemes it has been assigned to

This page is READ-ONLY and just displays all the accumulated technical sectors that have been assigned to all the accredited Standards and Schemes of the CB.

View Technical Sectors at a Standard level

  1. Go to the CB Detail Page.

  2. Click the Standards and Schemes tab

  3. Select the Standards and Schemes you want to view

  4. On the Standards and Schemes page, click the Technical Sectors tab.

  5. Here you can see the following:

    • Sector

    • Sector Accreditation Status

    • Withdrawn/Suspension Date

    • Full/Limited

    • Extent of Scope

    • Actions

      • Edit

      • Delete

Assign Technical Sectors to the CB Standard

To assign a technical sector to the CB standard:

  1. On the CB Detail Page, click the Standards and Schemes tab

  2. Click the "Assign Technical Sector" button

  3. Once you are redirected, click the "Assigned Technical Sectors" button

  4. Search and select the Sector you want to add

  5. Once added you may opt to specify the following for each sector:

    • Accreditation Status

    • Date (if Withdrawn/ Suspended)

    • Full/Limited scope

    • Extent of scope

  6. Once done, click the "Submit" button

Remove Technical Sector from the CB Standard

To remove a technical sector from the CB standard:

  1. On the CB Detail Page, click 'Technical Sectors' from the navigation bar

  2. Search for the technical sector you want to remove

  3. Click the Remove button

  1. A confirmation modal will pop up, click OK if you want to continue deleting.

Last updated

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