Delete Certification

Here are articles that guide you through manually deleting certificate data from the IAF CertSearch database.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that once you have deleted your certifications they are permanently deleted from the database, it is not possible to reverse this action. The IAF Database LLC takes no responsibility for any ramifications that may be caused by taking this action, see terms and conditions for further detail.

Delete an individual certificate

  1. In the Certifications listing page, choose the certificate you want to delete

  2. Scroll to the bottom section of the certification detail page

  3. Click the 'Delete Certificate' button

  4. To ensure that you are not accidentally deleting the certification data, a delete confirmation is needed.

  5. Click the 'Send OTP' button

  6. Copy the code from your inbox and paste it into the Verify OTP input fields

  7. Once completed, click the 'Delete Certification' button.

To know more about Certification and Certified Entity fields, click here

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