File Upload


Average Transfer Speed: 30 secs ~ 2 mins, may vary depending on the data quality

Acceptable Formats: XLS, XLSX and XML

Recommended: Small, Medium and Large CBs that have anywhere between 20 to 100,000 certifications

How to import Certification Body data via File Upload

To import your data via File Upload:

  1. Go to the "Import Certification Body"

  2. Click the 'Upload Certification Bodies'

  1. Select the files you want to update

NOTE: you can only upload 1 file at a time.

  1. Click on the upload section to select the files from your local or drag and drop the files you want to upload:

  2. Once selected, click the "Upload File" button

  3. Once uploaded, the system initiates the data validation

  4. Once validated, your data will successfully be added to IAF CertSearch

File Upload Activities

Allows you to see all the File upload activities.

If errors are encountered during the Certification Body data validation, the errors will be listed here. 1. Click the "View" button to see the suggestion to resolve errors.

Last updated

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