Accreditation Body Profile

The HQ account serves as the master account where you have the ability to manage your AB profile information, users and accounts.

View AB Profile

To view your AB Profile information:

  1. go to Accreditation Body Profile

  2. On the AB profile page, you'll have access to the following information:

Public Information

Information that can be seen in the public through the AB public profile)

  • Accreditation Body Logo (optional)

  • Accreditation Country / Economy (required)

  • Accreditation Body Name (required)

  • Accreditation Body Acronym (required)

  • Accreditation Body Website (required)

  • Accreditation Body Phone

  • Accreditation Body Fax

  • Accreditation Body Description (required)

Private Information

Information that can be seen in the public through the AB public profile)

  • Key Contact Name (required)

  • Accreditation Body Email Address (required)

Update AB Profile

To update your AB Profile information:

  1. go to Accreditation Body Profile

  2. On the AB profile page, you'll have access to the following information:

Public Information

Information that can be seen in the public through the AB public profile)

  • Accreditation Body Logo (optional)

  • Accreditation Country / Economy (required)

  • Accreditation Body Name (required)

  • Accreditation Body Acronym (required)

  • Accreditation Body Website (required)

  • Accreditation Body Phone

  • Accreditation Body Fax

  • Accreditation Body Description (required)

Private Information

Information that can be seen in the public through the AB public profile)

  • Key Contact Name (required)

  • Accreditation Body Email Address (required)

  1. Look for the information you want to update the click the Edit button

  2. Once updated, click the Save Changes button

  3. Your AB profile information is now successfully updated.

  1. To add or update the AB Logo, click the Edit button

  1. Click the Browse button

  2. A modal pops up where you select the image you want to use as the logo

  3. Once selected, click the Save Changes button

  4. Your logo will now be successfully added to your AB profile.

Last updated

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