Manage CB Key Locations

The Key Locations provide the ability to manage the locations of the CB that are accredited with Standards and Schemes to issue certifications.

There are 2 areas where you can view the list of accredited Key Locations:

  1. CB Detail Page / Standards and Schemes / Key Locations

    • See the list of Key Locations that have been accredited with a specific Standard and Scheme

    • Assign, edit, and delete Key Location from the accredited Standard

  2. CB Detail Page / Key Locations

    • Master list of the Key Locations of the CB, which can be accredited with different Standards and Schemes.

    • Assign, edit, delete Key Location

View Key Locations

To view all the Key Locations of the CB:

  1. Go to the CB Detail Page.

  2. Click the Key Locations tab

Here you can see the following:

  • Office Type

  • Key Location Unique ID

  • Country

  • Address

  • Standards and Schemes, accredited to the Key Locations

This page is the Master List of all the Key Locations of the CB, where you can Assign, Edit, and Delete a Key Location.

View Key Locations at a Standard level

  1. Go to the CB Detail Page.

  2. Click the Standards and Schemes tab

  3. Select the Standards and Schemes you want to view

  4. On the Standards and Schemes page, click the Key Locations tab.

Here you can see the following:

  • Office Type

  • Key Location Unique ID

  • Country

  • Address

  • Standards and Schemes, accredited to the Key Locations

Add Key Location

To add CB's Key Location:

  1. On the CB Detail Page

  2. Click Key Locations from the navigation bar

  3. Click the Assign Key Locations button

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Office Type

    • Bldg. No. / Floor No. / Street

    • City

    • State (Optional)

    • Country

    • Postcode / Zipcode

    • Key Location Unique ID (Optional)

  5. Once done, click the 'Submit' button

The added Key Location can be assigned at a Standard level.

Edit Key Location

To edit a key location:

  1. On the CB Detail Page

  2. Click Key Locations from the navigation bar

  3. Edit the Key Location information you want to update.

  4. Once done, click the 'Save Changes' button

Once updated, the Key Location updates in the Certification Body public profile.

Delete Key Location from the CB

  1. On the CB Detail Page

  2. Click Key Locations from the navigation bar

  3. Click the DELETE button

  1. A confirmation modal will pop up, click OK if you want to continue deleting.

Once deleted, the Key Location will be removed from the Certification Body public profile.

Remove Key Location from the CB Standard

  1. On the CB Detail Page

  2. Click Standards and Schemes from the navigation bar

  3. Go to the Key Locations tab

  4. Click the Remove button

  1. A confirmation modal will pop up, click OK if you want to continue deleting.

Once removed, the Key Location will be removed from the CB Standard and Schemes accreditation details.

Last updated

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