Certified Entities
The Certified Entities provides access to the Certified Entities uploaded by your organization. The certification data is collected and imported through File Upload, FTP, and API.
This page provides the ability to view and manually manage the Certified Entity data.
Certified Entities
Click 'Certified Entities' from the left-hand navigation to view the Certified Entities list.
This page includes the following information:
Certified Entity Unique ID
A unique identifier for a specific Certified Entity. Used as a reference or a tracking number to look up Certified Entity records in the IAF CertSearch database.
Certified Entity
Name of the Certified Entity
Country where the Certified Entity is located
Confidential Certified Entity
Permission to access the Certificate Information in public, where value can either be:
Confidential, limits the certification details to the public
Non-Confidential allows public access to the certification details
Number of certificates issued to the Certified Entity
Updated at
Date the certified entity data was last updated
Created at
Date the certified entity record was created
You can also refine the list by Searching by Certified Entity Name and Filtering by Country.
This section also provides the ability to view and manage individual Certified Entity information.
Managing Certified Entity data through Data Import
Before importing data through Data Import, learn about the IAF CertSearch Data Format and Structure, such as Certificate File Format, Certificate Template, Manage Data in Excel, and Manage Data in XML.
Data Import Methods
Last updated
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