Manage Standards and Schemes

View Individual AB Standard Details

  1. Click the 'Standards and Schemes' from the left-hand navigation

  2. Look for the Standard you want to view

  3. Under the Actions column, click the View button

  4. You'll be redirected to the Standard and Scheme detail page which displays the following information:

    • Standard Accreditation Status

    • Standard

    • Scheme

    • Scheme Type

    • First Issued Date

    • Issued Date

    • Expiry Date

Edit Individual AB Standard Details

  1. Click the 'Standards and Schemes' from the left-hand navigation.

  2. Look for the Standard you want to view

  3. Under the Actions column, click the View button

  4. You'll be redirected to the Standard and Scheme detail page, click the Edit button

  5. You'll be able to update the following fields:

Note: Standard field and Scheme Field remains READ ONLY

  • Accreditation Details

    • Standard Status

  • Issuance Details

    • First Issued Date

    • Issued Date

    • Expiry Date

  1. Once completed, click the Submit button.

  2. The standard details are now successfully updated.

Add AB Standards and Schemes


To add new AB Standards:

  1. Click the 'Standards and Schemes' from the left-hand navigation.

  2. Click the + Add Standard and Schemes" button

  3. Complete the form

  • Accreditation Details

    • Standard Status

    • Standard (Including version)

    • Scheme

  • Issuance Details

    • First Issued Date

    • Issued Date

    • Expiry Date

Explanations of formats for each field are detailed in the Standard Field Names Glossary.

  1. Click "Submit" to proceed

  2. Once saved, the standard will be added to your AB Standards list and can now be assigned to Certification Bodies, allowing Certification Bodies to upload certificates to that standard.

Delete AB Standards


  • Ensure that the standard is not assigned to any active certifications. If assigned, deleting the standard is not permissible.

To delete an AB Standards:

  1. Click the 'Standards and Schemes' from the left-hand navigation.

  2. Click the + Add Standard to AB button

  3. Look for the Standard you want to view

  4. Under the Actions column, click the View button

  5. A modal should pop up which displays the selected Standard details.

  6. Click the Delete Standard button

  7. Once deleted, the standard will no longer be seen in your AB Standards list and cannot be assigned to any Certification Bodies.

Last updated

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