Manage CB Accreditation

This section guides you on how to manage the CB Accreditation Status.

Withdrawn CB Accreditation Information

  1. Click 'Certification Bodies' from the left-hand navigation

  2. Search for the CB you want to edit

  3. Click the CB name or click the 'view' button under the actions column

  4. You'll be redirected to the CB Detail Page

  5. In the Certification Body Accreditation Status section click the "Edit" button

  6. In the Accreditation Status field, choose the "Withdrawn" radio button.

  7. Once done, click the 'Save Changes button

Rules for Withdrawn Accreditation

Once the CB accreditation has been withdrawn, the CB will be limited to the following:


IAF CertSearch Account Login

Login access is restrictred

Certification Search Access

Searchable within 3 months after the withdrawn date

Certification Public Access

Accessible within 3 months after the withdrawn date

Certification Body Profile Page

Not accessible

Suspend CB Accreditation Information

  1. Click 'Certification Bodies' from the left-hand navigation

  2. Search for the CB you want to edit

  3. Click the CB name or click the 'view' button under the actions column

  4. You'll be redirected to the CB Detail Page

  5. In the Certification Body Accreditation Status section click the "Edit" button

  6. In the Accreditation Status field, choose the "Suspended" radio button.

  7. Once done, click the 'Save Changes button

Rules for Suspended Accreditation


IAF CertSearch Account Login

Login access is allowed

Certification Search Access

Searchable until expiration

Certification Public Access

Accessible until expiration

Certification Body Profile Page


Last updated

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