Add Certification

To manually add a certificate you'll have 2 options:

To manually add a Certificate with a new Certified Entity:

  1. Go to the Certified Entity page

  2. Click the 'Add Certification' button

  1. You'll need to fill in your data into the Certificate Information form, which has 2 data forms: Certified Entity Information and Certificate Information.

Certificate Information

  • Certification Status (required)

  • Accreditation Body (required)

  • Certificate Number (required)

  • Certification Type (read-only)

  • Certification Standards and Schemes (required)

  • Certification Scope (optional)

Certificate Issuance Details

  • Certification Original Issue Date (optional)

  • Certificate Issued Date (required)

  • Certificate Expiry Date (required)

Certification Site

Here you will be provided with 2 options:

  • Multi-line: where you can choose to input data in specified address fields

  • Single line: where you can input the full address in a single input address field, ideal for addresses that are formatted differently

  1. Once completed, click the 'Submit' button

  2. If all data is valid, the Certified Entity and its certificate will be successfully added to the IAF CertSearch.

Note: If errors are encountered during the import process, go to Error Handling.

To know more about Certification and Certified Entity fields, click here

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