Manage Data in Excel

We have added useful guides to help you manage your data in an Excel file.

Manage Certified Entity and its Certification Data

Update Certified Entity and its Certification Data

Manage Certifed Entity and its Certification Data

What's New?

  • Certificate template version 2.1 now has a separate sheet tab to manage the Certified Entity data.

    • Download template here

  • Certification can have multiple sites

  • Sites can be added at an Entity level.

Below are the fields in the certification version 2.1 Excel template.

Here you can manage all Certified Entity-related data

  • Certified Entity Unique ID

  • Certified Entity Name

  • Certified Entity Trading Name

  • Certified Entity English Name

  • Confidential Certified Entity

  • Business Registered Street

  • Business Registered City

  • Business Registered State

  • Business Registered Zipcode/Postcode

  • Business Registered Country/Economy

  • Business Registered Full Address

  • Certified Entity Website

  • TAX ID

  • VAT

  • Company ID Number

  • Business Registration Number

  • DUNS Number

To learn more about the rules for handling these fields, go to:

Import Certified Entity and its Certification data

NOTE: Importing Certified Entity and Certification data via Excel is recommended for bulk data import. If you want to update a single record or records no more than 10 certificates, we recommend using the Manual Data Entry. Prerequisites:

  • Clean and format data according to the IAF CertSearch data structure. Learn more.

Tips: Ensure that the identifiers such as the Certified Entity Unique ID and Certification Identity Number match across the sheets.

  1. In the Certification Excel spreadsheet, please enter the data into their corresponding Certified Entity and Certification fields.

  2. Once completed, go to the IAF CertSearch Data Import page

  3. Choose how you would like to import your data

  4. Once selected, click the Continue button (the system will initiate file and data processing)

  5. The certificate will be successfully added to the Certified Entity record if all the files and data are valid.

Note: If errors are encountered during the import process, go to Error Handling.

-> To view the added certifications go to the Certification listing page

-> To view the added Certified Entity go to the Certified Entity listing page

Updating Certified Entity data only

If you wish to update the information of the Certified Entity, please make sure that you are using the same record identifier saved in the IAF CertSearch database.

How to view the Certified Entity Unique ID saved in IAF CertSearch
  1. Go to the Certified Entity detail page from your dashboard

  2. Scroll down to the Systems Information card

  3. Here you can see the UNIQUE ID saved in the database

To update Certified Entity information only:

  1. In the Excel sheet, go to the Certified Entity tab

  2. Apply the changes on the record you want to update

  3. Once done, save your changes

  4. go to the IAF CertSearch Data Import page

  5. Choose how you would like to import your data

  6. Once selected, click the Continue button (which initiates the data validation process)

  7. If all the fields and data are valid, the certificate will be successfully added to the existing Certified Entity record.

Updating Certification data only

If you wish to update the information on the Certificate, please make sure that you are using the same record identifier saved in the IAF CertSearch database.

How to view the Certification Identity Number assigned to the certificate

At the moment displaying the Certification Identity Number within the dashboard is not yet available. In the meantime, you can retrieve the Certification Identity Number you assigned to the certificate record by going through the file either from your local storage or within the Import activities.

  1. Go to Import page

  2. Click the Activities tab

  3. Here you can download all the files that you have uploaded

To update Certificate information only:

  1. To update any certification data-related changes go to the following tabs:

    • Certification, when you want to update the certification status, issue details, certification scope or main site addresses, and the accreditation body.

    • Certification Standard & Scheme, when you want to update the Standard and Scheme of the certification.

    • Certification Sector, when you want to update the Sectors assigned to the certifications.

    • Certification Sites, when you want to udpate the Additional sites of the certification.

  2. Apply the changes on the record you want to update

  3. Once done, save your changes

  4. go to the IAF CertSearch Data Import page

  5. Choose how you would like to import your data

  6. Once selected, click the Continue button (which initiates the data validation process)

  7. If all the fields and data are valid, the certificate will be successfully added to the existing Certified Entity record.

Updating Certified Entity and its Certification data

TIPS: We recommend updating the same file you used to upload your data to minimize import interruptions or errors.

To update both the Certified Entity and its Certification

  1. To update an existing record please make sure that the following record identifiers match from the file to the existing record uploaded in IAF CertSearch:

  • Certified Entity Unique ID, when updating any Certified Entity-related data

  • Certification Identity Number, when updating any certification-related data

  1. Apply the changes to the records you want to update.

  2. Once updated, go to the IAF CertSearch Data Import page

  3. Choose how you would like to import your data

  4. Once selected, click the Continue button (which initiates the data validation process)

  5. If all the fields and data are valid, the certificate will be successfully added to the existing Certified Entity record.

Note: If errors are encountered during the import process, go to Error Handling.

Last updated

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