Edit Certified Entity

To manually update Certified Entity information:

  1. On the Certified Entities listing page, search for the Certified Entity you want to update

  2. Click the 'Certified Entity' name

  3. In the Certified Entity detail page, click the 'Edit' button

  1. Go to the input fields you want to update:

Company Information

  • Company Name (required)

  • Company Name (optional)

  • Company English Name (optional)

  • TAX ID (optional)

  • Company ID (optional)

  • Business Registration Number (optional)

  • Confidential Certified Entity (optional)

Business Registered Address

  1. Once updated, click the 'Save Changes' button

  2. If all data is valid, the Certified Entity data will be successfully updated

To know more about Certification and Certified Entity fields, click here

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