Certified Entity Detail Page

View the Certified Entity detail page

  1. In the Certified Entities listing page, search for the Certified Entity name you want to view

  2. To view the Certified Entity detail page you can either click on the:

    • Certified Entity name

    • 'Actions' button

      • then, click 'View Details'

  3. Once done, you'll be redirected to the Certified Entity page, where you'll have access to the Certified Entity Details and its Certificates.

Certified Entity Details

This section provides the ability to view and manage the Certified Entity details such as:

Company Information

  • Company Name (required)

  • Company Trading Name (optional)

  • Company English Name (optional)

  • TAX ID (optional)

  • Company ID Number (optional)

  • Business Registration Number (optional)

  • Confidential Certified Entity (optional)

Location Information

  • Certified Entity Country (optional)

  • Certified Entity Street (required)

  • Certified Entity City (required)

  • Certified Entity State (optional)

  • Certified Entity Zipcode/Postcode (required)

System Information

Data added to the system information serves as the identifiers of the certified entity record which can be used as a reference for updating data during data import.

  • Company Name (required)

  • Certified Entity Unique ID (required)


We recommend keeping or maintaining 1 Certified Unique ID assigned to 1 Certified Entity record, to avoid duplications and data inconsistencies.

Manage the Certified Entity Details

Edit Certified Entity

Add Certificate


This section provides the ability to view and manage the certificates issued to the Certified Entity, which includes:

  • Certificate Status

  • Certificate Number

  • Standard

  • Confidential

  • Expiry Date

  • Accreditation Body

  • Certified Entity

  • Site Location

  • Updated at

Manage the Certificates

Add Certificate

Edit Certificate

Last updated

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