
You can create multiple accounts under the Certification Body Account. The account user will be able to manage data (View, Upload, Edit, and Delete) and receive enquiries from the IAF CertSearch for their specified location.

To view the accounts under your Certification Body account, click Accounts in the left-hand navigation. Here you can view the account information such as Account Status, Account Name, Location, Updated at, and Created at.

Add Account

  1. From the Dashboard, click Accounts in the left-hand navigation.

  2. On the Accounts page, click + Add Account.

  3. Enter Location and Account Information.

  1. Once completed, click the 'Submit'.

  2. By clicking the Submit button, IAF CertSearch will send an activation link to the account email. The email holder is required to click on the link and sign up to activate the account.

Last updated

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