Certification Body Profile

The Certification Body Profile page provides the ability to view and manage information about your organization. Here, you'll have access to the following:

  • Certification Body Profile

  • Accreditation Status

  • Signed Agreements

  • Live Profile

Certification Body Profile

This section has the information of the Certification Body. You can manage your logo, country/economy, website and description.

To manage your profile, click here.

Accreditation Status

This section has the accreditation information of the Certification Body. You'll have access to the following information: Accredited Status, Economy, Accreditation Body, Updated at, and Activity. This page is for viewing purposes only, only the AB who accredits the CB can have access to updating and managing the accreditation information.

Signed Agreements

The Signed Agreements page provides the ability to view all your signed agreements, in which you can see the Document Name, Version, Signed by, Position and Signed date.

Live Profile

The Live Profile page links you to the Public Certification Body Profile page, where your public information such as Accreditation Information, Company Descrption and Office Directories are shown.

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