Add Certified Entity

What's New?

  • Adding an entity record no longer requires certificate information. However, please be aware that without a certificate, the entity will only appear in your dashboard and will not be visible or searchable in public records.

  • Sites can now be added at an Entity level, which will then be eligible locations to hold a certificate.

To Manually Add a Certified Entity

  1. On the Certified Entities listing page, click the Add Certified Entity button

  1. You'll need to fill in your data into the Certified Entity form:

Company Details

Basic details of the Certified Entity.

Field NameRequirementExample

Company Name


ABC Corporation

Company Trading Name


ABC Corporation

Company English Name


ABC Corporation

Company Website


Confidential Certified Entity



Business Registered Address

The official location where a company is legally registered and receives formal communications from government authorities and other entities.

Any changes made to the Business Registered Address do not directly affect the site addresses or locations specified at a certificate level.

Here you will be provided with 2 options:

  • Multi-line: where you can choose to input data in specified address fields

  • Single line: where you can input the full address in a single input address field, ideal for addresses that are formatted differently

Company Identifiers

A unique code or number that is legally assigned to an entity to distinguish it from other companies.

Field NameRequirement

Tax ID




Company ID Number


Business Registration Number


DUNS Number


Systems Information

The Company Name and Unique ID, alongside the Certification Body information collectively serve as a System ID to match entity records in the database during data import.

Once completed, click the 'Submit' button.

If all data is valid, the Entity record will be successfully added.

Should you wish to add the Certificate immediately after creating the Entity, continue by clicking the Add Certification button.

Next Step

Add Certificate to the Entity

To know more about Certified Entity fields, click here

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