Global Mapping

This section guides you on how to manage your Global Mapping settings which include, Data Mapping and Field Mapping.

You'll have the ability to view and manage all your mapped fields and data on the Global Mapping page on their respective pages.

Resolve Data Mapping IssuesResolve Field Mapping Issues

Field Mapping Rules

  • Any unrecognized field names will not be recognized and require field mapping.

  • One (1) source field CAN'T be mapped to multiple target fields

    • In this example, Issue Date is mapped to Certification Issue Date and Certification Original Issue Date.

      • Issue Date -> Certification Original Issue Date

      • Issue Date -> Certification Issue Date

  • Multiple source fields values CAN be mapped to one (1) target field

    • In this example, Cert Status and Status are mapped to Certification Status.

      • Cert Status -> Certification Status

      • Status -> Certification Status

    • In Excel, renaming the sheet tab name is considered a field mapping issue

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