Field Mapping

The Field Mapping feature provides the ability to view and manage all your mapped fields of all your import activities.

What is Field Mapping?

Field Mapping issues are caused by when the field name from the source file does not match the field name in the IAF CertSearch database, see the example below:


The actual field value that exists from your source file, that is not recognized by the system.


The field names defined in the IAF CertSearch database.


To minimize data upload issues, we recommend you add field mapping before importing your data. This way you can eliminate interruptions during the import process. To know more about adding field mapping, click here.

View Mapped Fields

  1. Go to Data Import

  2. Click the 'Global Mapping' tab

  3. On the Global Mapping page, click the 'Field Mapping' tab

  4. This page displays all your Mapped and Unmapped fields in all of your import activities.

Add Field Mapping

  1. Go to Data Import

  2. Click the 'Global Mapping' tab

  3. On the Global Mapping page, click the 'Field Mapping' tab

  4. Click the '+ Add Field Mapping' button

  1. Enter the value of the source data

  2. Select where you want to map the source data

  3. If you want to add multiple mapping:

    • Click the 'Add Field Mapping' button

  4. Once done, click the 'Submit' button

Edit Mapped Fields

  1. Go to Data Import

  2. Click the 'Global Mapping' tab

  3. On the Global Mapping page, click the 'Field Mapping' tab

  4. Click the 'Actions' button

  1. Then, click the 'Edit Mapping' button

  2. In the Edit modal, enter the value you want to update.

  3. Once deleted, the deleted mapped field should no longer appear in the field mapping list

Delete Individual Mapped Fields

To delete an individual mapped field:

  1. Go to Data Import

  2. Click the 'Global Mapping' tab

  3. On the Global Mapping page, click the 'Field Mapping' tab

  4. Look for the mapped field you want to delete

  5. Click the 'Actions' button

  1. Click the 'Delete Mapping' button

  2. A confirmation modal will appear, click 'OK'

  3. Once deleted, the deleted mapped field should no longer appear in the field mapping list

Please note: Deleting a mapped field means you no longer need to import the unrecognized source field to match the target field in IAF CertSearch.

Delete Multiple Mapped Fields

  1. Go to Data Import

  2. Click the 'Global Mapping' tab

  3. On the Global Mapping page, click the 'Field Mapping' tab

  4. Look for the mapped field you want to delete

  5. In the Select column, click the checkbox of the mapped fields you want to delete

  1. Once selected, click the 'Delete' button in the top right corner of the list.

  1. A confirmation modal will appear, click 'OK'

  2. Once done, the deleted mapped fields should no longer appear in the field mapping list

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