Exclusion from Data Obligations

If your organization requested an Exclusion from data obligations according to the Mandatory Document (MD), you need to provide at least quarterly aggregated analytical data to the IAF CertSearch Database including the number of certifications for each standard, scope, and location., to support the aggregated analytics for all CBs and ABs.

How to provide the aggregated analytical data?

Make sure to contact your Accreditation Body (AB) to officially exclude your account from the data obligations.

To provide the aggregated analytical data, follow these steps:


Go to Aggregated Report

From your dashboard, click on "Submit Report" or navigate to "Aggregated Report" in the left-hand menu.


Aggregated Certification Report

You will be redirected to the Aggregated Certification Report page, where you can input data into the following fields:

  • Accreditation Information

    • Accreditation Name, (read-only) refers to the AB that accredits your organization.

    • Standard and Scheme, select the relevant Standard and Scheme.

    • Certification Total Count, enter the total aggregated active certification count issued by your organization.

  • Country/Economy, input the total aggregated active certification count for each country or economy.

  • Technical Sectors, enter the total aggregated active certification count for each technical sector.

Once done, click the Submit button.

After submitting the report your account will be indicated in the IAF Database as β€˜non-participating'.

What happens if I fail to provide the aggregated data?

Failing to meet the quarterly reporting requirements will result in your status being updated to Non-Participating and Non-Conforming.

Last updated

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