🆕All Imported Certifications

This new listing page allows you to view all your issued certification data imported into IAF CertSearch database.

New listing page: All Imported Data

To ensure compliance with MD requirements, Certification Bodies (CBs) can now review and access all their issued certifications, even if they were imported into the IAF CertSearch database via an Accreditation Body (AB) or scheme owner database.

All certification data is automatically accessible by the CB account as long as the certification is issued by the Certification Body.

What you need to know?

There are several terms that you need to be aware of:

It consists of the following data fields:

Additional note

Data that are listed under the All Imported Data is read-only. Any actions such as deleting and updating are currently restricted.

The ability to change the primary contributor is currently in development. If the primary contributor is your MNCB and certification data needs updating, you reach out to them to implement any necessary changes.

Last updated

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